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the webs is amazing!

March 23, 2009

its spring break and this house is full of the crud.

kass has been fighting a head cold for almost a week and kota has been very sick the last two days. his temp has hovered around the 102 mark. late sunday night it began to break. thank you Lord!

as soon as brent and i posted our concern about kotas health on twitter… the advice, concern and prayers started pouring in.

friends…i am sitting here in tears.

no one can tell me that it is impossible to have friends or connect with people on the web.

it seemed all weekend on twitter i read of hardship, loneliness, illness, and even the death of a young son.

what i also witnessed was a community gathering around these people. coming alongside them, so to speak, encouraging, supporting and praying.

so today i’d like to pray for you. you don’t even have to be the praying type 😉

please let me know in the comments below how i can pray for you. and hopefully you will pray for each other, too.

47 Comments leave one →
  1. March 23, 2009 7:12 am

    i think you know already… but i’d like to add continued sanity and positivity from both me and my wife. we need to stay focused on god and each other despite the tough times.

  2. Heather B permalink
    March 23, 2009 7:13 am

    Health! Please! For me and my family.
    I am praying for your family too!!

  3. March 23, 2009 7:17 am

    I’m not one to ask for prayer often (I struggle with considering myself bulletproof; at least I’m aware!) but my wife and I have to testify on Wednesday in court. We’re minor witnesses and, in the end, it’ll probably be a quick in and out, but it’s in regards to a murder trial (I know, sounds crazy, and we didn’t witness it but someone of little consequence talked to us once, not about the murder, and the defense is wringing everything they can out of everyone) so we need His peace to get through this.


  4. March 23, 2009 7:30 am

    To be patient for Gods next chapter in my life…My daughters best friend Caroline (6 yrs old) in hospital with pneumonia fighting hard.

    thanks from the moyer family

  5. March 23, 2009 7:31 am

    You changed your page… am I the last to notice, I haven’t been here in a while… This is just what the body is about… asking for the prayers and needs of others and putting them ahead of our needs… Thank you for being such a willing vessel of the Lord… Oh and No I don’t have any prayer requests but thank you for asking!

  6. March 23, 2009 7:32 am

    Oh but your family has my prayers for healing!

  7. March 23, 2009 7:47 am

    You can pray for me… I’m getting overwhelmed with the amount of things I still need to do before the coffee shop is mine on April 1st– licenses, setting up my accounting… all that stuff.
    Plus this is the biggest thing I’ve ever done. It’s all a bit much (On Saturday I shot a bunch of whipped cream and it made me cry, if that tells you anything!), so I would appreciate prayers for peace and calmness and clarity.
    On top of that, I have felt like I’m maybe coming down with something, and I canNOT be sick. Starting in April I will be at the shop by myself open to close six days a week (10 hours on weekdays and 7 on Saturdays) so being sick would be heinous.

  8. March 23, 2009 7:53 am

    My husband has been in a mental hospital since July and we are making plans to transition him home. Our teenage daughter has already expressed she doesn’t want him to come home. We had an awful meeting w/him Sat. We need Jesus, no other to come to us, to soften his heart, to bring kindness and compassion, we need to see that he has changed and give him a chance to be well, we have only known him sick…. We need the Holy Spirit to bring peace. Thank you for praying, we are praying for your sick ones.

  9. March 23, 2009 8:07 am

    oh wow…praying for you all! right now…and throughout the day…

  10. March 23, 2009 8:11 am

    I’m so glad I checked in on Twitter last night long enough to pray for you guys. It was so weird… I thought, “Man… I twitter a lot, so I should just chill out a bit today.” So I did. But decided to take a peek once the kiddos were in bed.

    I guess it was a God thing. It was really cool to see Kota’s fever go down once you guys twittered it though. Prayer is SO powerful!!!

    Love you guys… see you soon 🙂 … but not soon enough!

    • March 23, 2009 8:16 am

      jenni, i know! seriously…i was in tears last night. so overwhelmed by the prayers and the, near, instant improvement for kota. amazing!

      thank you so much for your prayers! glad you checked in 😉

  11. March 23, 2009 8:17 am

    I need to graduate in May. Not only for the accomplishment of being a college grad and finishing something, but for my own mental health I fear failing at this would put me in a place I don’t want to be in again.

    I need prayer for motivation. Motivation to do my homework, to be honest with teachers about how I’m doing, and the courage to get help with homework when I need it.

    I need prayer for mental stability. There are moments when I zone out, and think about all the things that overwhelm me, and I find myself wanting to run, hide…not be here.
    Pray that I would find Jesus as my refuge and strength.

    Thank you.

  12. March 23, 2009 8:18 am

    I am in one of my bad waves of pain right now. Just can’t seem to beat it. I always pray for healing, but if God terries then I more than anything want to win through my attitude and will. Today I am up, moving and getting done what needs to be done. It is such a struggle to function and to do what should be done. So strength in short.

    So glad he is feeling better by the way. Take care and I pray that for health and that the second half of spring break will be blessed.

  13. heather permalink
    March 23, 2009 8:25 am

    Pray for my marriage

  14. March 23, 2009 8:30 am

    Please pray for Mel (father in law)that he will heal quickly. He has broken the upper thigh bone on the leg that had a midcalf amputation last summer. He is in the hospital and wants to come home now but can’t even get himself to the bathroom.

    My husband is discouraged by this…It is causing him more stress then he needs as he is also looking for a job. He was laid off the week before Christmas. The unemployment rate in Shasta County has jumped to 16%.

    Thank you!!I am still praying for you all!!! Hope everybody is up and around very soon.

  15. March 23, 2009 8:34 am

    I don’t twitter….but I’m here.

    Our youngest son, Shawn, age 2 is having open-heart surgery next Tuesday 3/31. I am overwhelmed with emotion and will take every second of prayer we can get. Thank you!

  16. March 23, 2009 8:41 am

    So glad to hear that Kota’s fever broke. I’ll keep praying for ya’ll!

    As for me, I could sure use some prayer regarding my job situation. Can’t go into a lot of detail yet, but I need God’s guidance.

  17. March 23, 2009 8:50 am

    you are so precious.

    mine is difficult to describe. it will be vague. i need the Lord to pour out His grace and mercy and redemption and peace and salvation on a certain situation in my life. it’s a HUGE deal. and i have no control over it. none. please pray for me and those involved.

    (you have no idea how much this little post lifted me up today. thank you so much for this sweet offer).

  18. March 23, 2009 9:11 am

    1. WISDOM to see where God is taking the ministry and how to facilitate what God is doing in me and in the AB group.
    2. That the right people connect with the ministry – and those who are called elsewhere find their purpose so that the group will be as effective as God wants it to be – Gideon’s 300.. (or was that Leonidas’ 300… ha!)
    3. That I get time to study for my exams
    4. That I learn how to structure my time so that nothing suffers.
    5. That God grants me my desires – I want to travel!!!!!

  19. March 23, 2009 9:18 am

    Prayer is so awesome and the very best gift ever! I just know HE hears and answers, so glad to hear that Kota is doing better. SWEET!

    Prayer request- to just stay tuned in to God’s small voice, and to make sure we are moving in the direction HE has for us, I know that HE is doing amazing things in our life, pray that we stay thankful and respond to HIM with the attitudes we should. Thanks!

  20. March 23, 2009 9:18 am

    Tam, you are the sweetest. For real. I’m so glad Kota is feeling better!
    I need prayer for direction for my life…and for my heart to stay soft and not become hard concerning situations that I’ve gone through in ministry, and now being out of ministry. I feel like the world and options are wide open for me…but I’d like that to narrow a bit, to know which path to choose. Thanks Tam!

  21. March 23, 2009 10:56 am

    If you could pray for my parents; they are having to make the decision to sell their current home that they love… the dream home they worked so hard for. They have a lot of financial decisions to make since the farm didn’t sell… we talked a lot this weekend about approaching life with a servant’s heart, so that’s what I would want to pray for.

    And also for my best friend’s husband who just emailed me that he was terminated from his job today as they closed down the business.

  22. March 23, 2009 1:31 pm

    I love praying with you. Thank you for this post. It is that time again for us to travel to the Wild Coast…so we will be gone for a few days. Please pray for a safe trip to and from. Kthanks!

  23. March 23, 2009 2:26 pm

    Always pray for your family by name – remember us on Wednesday & Thursday this week – we drive 1200 miles in 2 days back to Michigan – thanks Tam!

  24. March 23, 2009 2:30 pm

    Awww man…I didn’t know the illness was so bad Tam! Hope Kota and Kass are feeling better.

  25. March 23, 2009 3:33 pm

    Yeah Kota! Glad that fever broke!!

    The race is on dude! (to see who gets better faster 😉 )

  26. March 23, 2009 4:07 pm

    Little Stellan needs as many prayers as he can get right now:

  27. Heidi permalink
    March 23, 2009 4:42 pm

    I’ve come out of hiding just for a moment. I have a close friend, whom has had a VERY hard/ripping through the soul day. I cannot go into details but, just pray that she feels God SO MUCH during this time in a SUPERNATURAL way. SHE needs someone to hold her and know that she’s loved deeply and eternally.

    thank you

  28. March 23, 2009 5:27 pm

    praying for each of you…

    thank you for sharing and trusting…

    • March 23, 2009 8:37 pm

      Thank you so much. I know that I am new around here but I appreciate how welcome you have made me feel both here and on Twitter. 🙂

      • March 23, 2009 8:45 pm

        thank you theresa. that means a lot. hoping you are doing well tonight. praying for you…strength and joy…

  29. March 23, 2009 6:06 pm

    Twitter is truly amazing in how instant it is…a whole community can gather, all over the world, in seconds. And make a difference – a God-thing indeed.

    Diane & I have some big decisions to make…can’t really put details here, would just appreciate prayers for clarity in hearing God’s voice, discernment of advice given, and peace not confusion.

    ‘For where there is faith, we can move mountains’

  30. March 23, 2009 10:30 pm

    Seems i lose out on a lot since i stopped twittering?

    i can live with that.

    most things in my life are quite good, i don’t feel a need for anything other than a general ‘protective’ prayer and now i’m learning to develop my A TAG i don’t actually feel i ‘need’ that so much either – does that make me weird?? ( or is it all the other stuff that does that?) 😉

    Not sure if my prayer is stil ‘needed for you kass and Kota so i’ll do my ‘usual’ (TLP)

    …and your title says ‘webs’ sorry i was ‘late’.


  31. March 23, 2009 10:32 pm

    Oh – thanks for keeping the blogroll in the ‘update’ – the background colour is better too 🙂


  32. Heidi permalink
    March 24, 2009 8:01 am

    Tam, you know it’s great to stand in prayer with a community, but it’s even More better to stand in CELEBRATION of answered prayer.

    My friend whom you guys prayed for yesterday. Her life ripping apart. Yea, it ripped apart, with direction she went and found help last night in a prayer service, this friend, her two young girls, and teenage son all recieved God, and the neccesities that they need to love.
    One of the ladie’s in the prayer service allowed them to stay in her bungalow, then offered them food, and even a job.

    God is GOOD… Every NEW morning

    Thank you for praying.
    Love ya!

    • March 24, 2009 6:47 pm


      thanks for letting us know…


  33. March 24, 2009 3:19 pm

    @Heidi – Praise God! Thank you for sharing, I needed to hear that encouraging story!

  34. traciejane permalink
    March 24, 2009 5:28 pm

    I know I am a day late. I need prayer though for my mind. It constantly needs prayer actually but especially this week. Last Friday I had a mole removed and I am waiting for the results on whether it is non cancerous or cancerous. Just the unknown is making me super anxious.

    • March 25, 2009 3:36 pm

      make sure to come back and tell us the results of the test, k?


      • traciejane permalink
        March 27, 2009 10:38 am

        Yes of course. They said it takes 7-10 days. It has been 7 days and I am still waiting so no results yet. Maybe by Monday I hope. Thank you from the deepest part of my heart…

      • traciejane permalink
        March 27, 2009 10:40 am

        Oh and p.s. saw on fb about your son. Glad they found out what he has and hope that he is starting to feel better some!

      • traciejane permalink
        March 30, 2009 11:28 am

        I called the doctor today. The girl on the phone said it was fine, just a benign, non cancerous growth. Thank you again for praying! 🙂

  35. March 26, 2009 2:04 pm

    Love you, Tam Tam. 😀 What a way to reach out …

    • March 26, 2009 3:30 pm

      love you too, lady! it is such a gift to be trusted with such things to pray over them. i love it!

  36. March 26, 2009 6:14 pm

    I’m a bit late on this one. Kind of in the midst of a struggle that has me waylaid. Lots of spiritual warfare in our home. Not really sure how to describe what’s happening, other than, we want to do what God is asking us to do, but we certainly need clarity. His will written out on the wall, would be nice. We all know, He could do that if He just would!!!

    Thanks, TammyJo, I really appreciate the prayer support. Love you!

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