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August 10, 2009

i do not read my bible every day.

i watch family guy.

i do not know where taiwan is on the map.

ok. your turn…

100 Comments leave one →
  1. August 10, 2009 11:08 pm

    I also do not read my Bible every day.

    I do not watch Family Guy (I love Jesus).

    I have no idea where North Dakota is on a map, let alone Taiwan.

    I actually think Justin Timberlake is an amazingly talented artist.

    I’m not as awesome as I want to be, but I am more awesome than I was yesterday.

    • August 11, 2009 8:56 am

      dude, you don’t know where North Dakota is?! I’m hurt.

    • August 11, 2009 1:38 pm

      i think timberlake is incredibly talented too!

      and yah…you love Jesus…but Jesus love me.


  2. kimberry permalink
    August 10, 2009 11:59 pm

    forget taiwan I probably can’t find my house on a map, let alone my gps which I swear gets me MORE lost.

    I always want people to talk to me, but I don’t always want to talk to people… I think this is a big problem.

    I really have no idea what I want to be when I ‘grow up’ ha. This really scares me that I’ll choose the wrong thing and waste my time. I really loath wasting time.

    I waste to much time on twitter and the internet(s)

    • August 11, 2009 1:39 pm

      i am directionally impaired. north is always in front of me. south behind me. east to my right and west to my left. no matter where im facing. yah…i get lost a lot.

  3. August 11, 2009 12:37 am

    i try to read my bible everyday BUT i struggle with OBEDIENCE (like do not worry, love my enemies, etc)

    i am ADDICTED to twitter…i check in on it more than i check in with God. *sad*

    i get self conscious when reading other people’s blogs/books & i get intimidated to the point of NOT wanting to start to write my book.

    i say i’m going to take care of God’s temple but i stuff it with cookies, coffee & sweets.

    i can be really mean or grumpy or both if caught @ a bad time…& i allow PMS to unleash the “tiger” in me

    i could go on and on and on….but i wont…instead i will link ur post on my FB & check to see if my friends will “confess” too =)

    • August 11, 2009 1:41 pm

      “i get self conscious when reading other people’s blogs/books & i get intimidated to the point of NOT wanting to start to write my book.”

      me too. silly, isnt it?

      i keep telling myself…one body – many parts. i have to do my part. cuz no one else can do it quite like me. that goes for you too, girl.

  4. August 11, 2009 1:44 am

    I don’t read my bible everyday either.

    Most of my favourite comedians seem to use an awful lot of swear words.

    I have vague idea where Taiwan is, but couldn’t tell you where North Dakota is (though my knowledge of states on the Coasts isn’t too bad I think for a non-American).

    I may be Scottish but I greatly dislike haggis (unless it’s veggie haggis), whisky, porridge, mince and bagpipers playing ‘Highland Cathedral’.

    • August 11, 2009 1:42 pm

      why do comedians have to cuss so much? ive watched achmed the dead terrorist WAY too much this week. its so funny. but some of the content really is unnecessary. dangit.

  5. August 11, 2009 2:46 am

    I don’t read MY Bible every day, but I don’t think I miss a day at

    I yell a lot—mostly at my kids for yelling

    I give spankings when my kids hit each other—somehow that doesn’t make sense

    I’m a geography ace and there aren’t too many places I couldn’t point out on a map :-)—About 12 years ago, I had a huge, blank world map on the wall of my apartment and told friends I would give them $20 if they could bring the name of a country that I couldn’t place correctly on the map…..if I did, they had to pay me….I made several hundred dollars :-).

    • August 11, 2009 1:43 pm

      you are brilliant! most people would have challenged their friends to something more like…”if you call out a country that i cant locate precisely then I owe YOU 20 bucks.”

      but NO – you go for the brilliancy!!

      i love it!

  6. August 11, 2009 4:07 am

    Just like Pastor T (Toby)…

    I yell at my kids for yelling #fail

    I spank my kids for hitting #fail

    I get upset with them for following my example #fail

    I couldn’t tell you the last time I sat and read my bible 😦 #FAIL

    I feel called to make huge changes in our family, but lack the cojones to do it because I can’t see the path from A to B and don’t want to risk failing and letting my family down more than I already have #yougetthepicture

    I struggle on the line between pride and cockyness and being proud and confident. I always worry that my confidence comes across as cockyness, which in turn makes me pull back and come across as timid and scared #Ifailalot!

    I lived in South Dakota so I’m fairly sure I could pinpoint North Dakota, don’t ask where Delaware is though. In fact, in the Northern Hemisphere, I can do fairly well with geography, but only about 25% in the Southern #butnotatgeography

    I’m rarely RARELY 100% serious about anything, but my sarcastic face is so good that people always think I’m too serious #:)

    • August 11, 2009 1:45 pm

      if you feel called, or convicted, to make some changes…then do it. no one else is gonna do it for you.

      anything worth doing is worth working your tail off to achieve it.

      my 2 cents.

  7. August 11, 2009 5:21 am

    It’s not a fail to discipline your kids appropriately 🙂

    My confession? I think I could raise everyone’s kids better than they do. Which, for A LOT of parents is probably true (these days), BUT honestly I have no right to think that being that the only experience I have a child rearing can be contained in a thimble.

    I don’t read my Bible every day either, but it’s not an item on a required list for me, so I don’t feel that guilty about it. If I read any other book on my shelves every day and not the Bible I would feel guilty.

    I watch Family Guy and laugh my head off.

    I tweet therefore I leet.

    I read this blog (a good confession!)

    • August 11, 2009 5:53 am

      I have no problem with disciplining them, I do feel that I resort to that too much sometimes though instead of looking for different more effective approach. There have been times that I’ve spanked one of them for hitting and found out after the fact that I completely misunderstood the situation entirely and they got popped for no reason at all. Sometimes, spanking is DEFINITELY in order, but I think that sometimes, teaching them not to hit by hitting is just teaching a wrong lesson.

      • August 11, 2009 7:53 am

        Indeed! My reply wasn’t aimed solely at you 🙂

        You’ve got a good handle on it! I was a “spanked” kid and I wouldn’t trade my upbringing for anything. Looking back on it, I’m sure my parents acted out of anger or hasty judgment a time or two, but overall I love them for caring enough to set clear boundaries and enforcing the consequences when I moved outside of those.

    • August 11, 2009 1:46 pm

      points for family guy!

      and i think youll make a great daddy some day.

  8. Heidi permalink
    August 11, 2009 5:38 am

    I do not drink enough water…

    The times that I am most afraid of something deals with my kids.

    I struggle in handling money.

    I love creamsicles

    I tend to cover up how I really feel.

    I had a crush on Shaun Cassidy

    ooh… I tend to cuss from time to time

  9. August 11, 2009 6:04 am

    I too dont read my bible everyday.

    I watch the Simpsons.

    I keep secrets because i am scared that people will reject me.

    I love ice cream and eat it way too much.

    I cuss all the time.

    Most of the music i like is by lesbian artists.

  10. August 11, 2009 6:37 am

    When that one song comes on the radio and I’m in the car by myself…i leave the station on

  11. August 11, 2009 6:48 am

    I am highly self conscious

    I like to get even – even though I shouldn’t

    I play on facebook when I’m at work

    • August 11, 2009 1:50 pm

      you dont hear from guys much that theyre self conscious. cool confession.

  12. nostawetan permalink
    August 11, 2009 7:18 am

    I always think I am right
    I love Shakira
    I am pessimistic about the overall future viability of American Christianity
    I am infatuated with beer

    • August 11, 2009 1:50 pm

      “I am infatuated with beer”

      you really oughta consider writing about it 😉

  13. August 11, 2009 7:28 am

    i spend more time on my computer than is probably good for anyone, myself included.

    i read my bible a heck of a lot more these days that i did for the first 30 years of life – but not every single day, religiously, i clearly already have sufficient of His Word in me – right? Right?

    i rarely ‘keep’ the Sabbath as He Commands me and as Jesus asks that i keep His Father’s Commandments, and occasionally have broken two or three of the other ‘Big Ten’ on fairly regular occasions.. but i keep more of them than i break – if that ‘counts’? (i hope it counts or i’m cooked).

    i’m not going to confess to being a big Simpson’s fan because there is nothing at all wrong with that! 🙂

    i have big, big, big ego issues of Pride, Jealousy, Anger, Envy, sometimes Covetousness, Sloth, and occasionally Self-pity and Self-doubt – but apart from that i think i’m doin Great! 🙂


    • August 11, 2009 1:51 pm

      i think many of us can identify with most of your confessions. if we’re honest, that is.

  14. August 11, 2009 7:55 am

    Lynyrd Skynyrd makes me cry.

    When I go see a Madea movie I am embarrassed by my whiteness.

    I don’t read my Bible every day either.

    I pout way too much.

    I have trouble with names but easily remember intricate details about people. With a name, the details make me seem genuinely interested in someone. Without the name, it comes off a little…stalkerish? I really need to work on names.

  15. August 11, 2009 8:50 am

    -not only do I swear, I like to swear. It makes me laugh. 😳

    -I sucked my thumb until I was well into my 20’s b/c of insecurities and boundary issues. (that’s a horrible confession!)

    -I expect perfection and find myself depressed when it’s not attained.

    -I like a good drink. every now and then I like a lot of good drinks. 😛

    -I deal with stress/boredom/anger/loneliness by shopping…. a terrible habit.

    -I’m a terribly loyal friend to the point of over extending myself.

    -Jesus loves me despite all these confessions. 😉

  16. August 11, 2009 8:56 am

    -I live in North Dakota (it sure was mentioned a lot!! HA!!)

  17. August 11, 2009 10:37 am

    Obviously I could help a lot of folks here since I sell maps to schools…North Dakota, Taiwan…we must edumacate you all!

    I watch Southpark and laugh out loud (I know…hell bound)
    I have a really screwed up sense of humor and tend to laugh most at the inappropriate stuff
    I do not regret things I have done or said because I have learned from them
    I do regret the choices I made out of college in terms of career- really do not like where I am at right now (not the family)

    • August 11, 2009 10:46 am

      You should partner up with Miss South Carolina to provide maps to other nations such as the Iraqi! 🙂

    • August 11, 2009 1:53 pm

      what can you do to change your job situation?

  18. August 11, 2009 12:27 pm

    Brandy lives in North Dakota. I don’t know if anyone gathered that…

  19. August 11, 2009 12:59 pm

    ooooo…i thought of another one..

    i dont like cold drinks…i will take a room temp drink over an ice cold one any day.

  20. August 11, 2009 1:27 pm

    I like potato chips & ketchup. Together.
    I cannot turn down a mojito.
    I cannot turn down a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie, either.
    I like Starbucks – despite it being “the man”
    I have doubted God & his provision way too many times these past few months.
    I watched the Bachelorette…and loved it.

    • August 11, 2009 1:37 pm

      you said “mojito”…i love you.

      that is all.

  21. August 11, 2009 2:57 pm

    *I drink way more diet coke than water
    *I am a reality tv junkie
    *I love my church and friends a ton but am in a “sleepinSundaytillnoon” mode and am okay with that.
    * I haven’t meet a pizza I didn’t like or need for that matter
    * I have prayed for my husband to have cancer and not depression and get jealous when others are healed and our family isn’t.

    • August 11, 2009 6:46 pm

      kristi – i am so sorry about your husband. i cant even begin to speak to this….except to say, im sorry.

  22. August 11, 2009 5:22 pm

    These will fly in the face of my usual sunny outlook…cos I’m having one of those mornings 🙂

    * I miss living on the fringes of the outback a lot more than I will ever admit (um…ok, would have ever admitted)

    * I struggle everyday with how to make dreams reality.

    * Most of the time these days I don’t really know what I’m doing…and I’m kinda OK with that, but I’m not sure everyone who that affects is even vaguely OK with that.

    Now that’s done…some more…

    * I really like Family Guy, but don’t see it anywhere near as often as I’d want to
    * I read a Bible everyday…it just might not be mine, or in physical format.
    * My first business involved the other kids in 1st grade paying me to do their homework…which quickly escalated to also doing homework for 2nd grade kids too…and then equally quickly escalated me to a meeting with the headmaster and my parents and a talk on business ethics, all when I was 5…

  23. August 11, 2009 6:49 pm

    you were an ornery child werent you? not that your comment necessarily suggests that…i just have this feeling?


    • August 11, 2009 9:22 pm

      Me? What could ever make you think that?? 😀

      (I had never heard the word ornery until I was 27…and was called it by an American. Cue research into what it means…and a lightbulb moment occurred…)

      • August 11, 2009 10:08 pm

        alright then….what is the aussie equivalent to ornery?

        • August 11, 2009 11:02 pm

          I was occasionally called cantankerous, but that’s relatively universal as opposed to being Aussie.

          We’d be more likely to refer to an ornery male as an ol’ bastard.

          We being the nation, not we being me; I’ve never said that in my life until now.

          Except in plays. Or when reading newspaper articles. Or other fine Australian literature.

          • August 12, 2009 1:46 am

            There is no Aussie equivalent to ornery on account of the fact we are all such wonderful humble and generous to others people who are very easy going and full of a dry humour.! 🙂

            David is clearly an immigrant throw-back – possibly with US ancestry?? 😉

            That may explain why you get on so well together? 🙂


            • August 12, 2009 4:47 pm

              US ancestry? Hardly…

              Been here since the 1820s…free settlers to SA on both sides of the family, from the Motherland…except for the Danes who got mixed up in there somewhere and gave me my stunning cheekbones and sexy eyes.

              So I’m told… 😉

              • August 12, 2009 10:14 pm

                1820’s? Newcomer! 😉


                • August 12, 2009 10:28 pm

                  I know…I’m such a ring-in…poser…fake…

                  How dare I call myself Australian after only 190 years of heritage in a 220 year old country… it’s disgraceful.

                  • August 12, 2009 10:35 pm

                    david – next time we do a video chat….you and the mrs are singing for me.


                  • August 12, 2009 10:37 pm

                    220 year old country? Hmmmm…

                    i can think of some people who aren’t going to like hearing that all that much!

                    And i’m not just talking about the Dutch or the Portugese!

                    it’s amazing how quickly we immigrants can feel like we own a continent huh?

                    Something the US i’m sure knows only too well.


                    • August 12, 2009 10:45 pm

                      I see my bait worked a treat 😀

                      As someone who has worked closely with our indigenous peoples, I’m very glad to now be able to joke about this stuff with (many) of them. Long way to go yet, but better than where we were…

                      And indeed, we imports could all have been French if that French dude who named La Perouse didn’t stop at Botany Bay and decide it was a little bit crap…it took Cook to go those few miles up the coast to uncover the amazingness of Port Jackson

                  • August 13, 2009 12:32 am

                    Typical East Coasters – if it didn’t happen in Sydney or Melbourne (or Wagga Wagga) it didn’t happen! tut.

                    Dutch explorers landed on the WEST Coast of Aus 170 years before Cook… and Portuguese Explorers sailed within a whisker of our northern shores a hundred years before that!

                    So Aus is at least 400 years old – Newcomer!

                    What indigenous people? Haven’t you ever heard of Terra Nullius, Cook Lover? ;-)?


                    • August 13, 2009 12:35 am

                      The names Tasman, Hartog and Vlamingh are respected (slightly) over here in the Real Aus 😉

                      And in Tasmania too, of course, but they don’t really count as Aussies on the East, or West, Coast. 😉


                    • August 13, 2009 8:51 am

                      When I said “we” naturally I was referring to the East Coasters…

                      You westies would have still been Dutch. Or something. And we all know the Portuguese influence on the northerners.

                      And I carefully chose the indigenous descriptor to ensure mention of Terra Nullius 😉

                      Meanwhile, Tasmania…the closest Australian comes to being Ireland….ahhhhh

  24. Serena Woods permalink
    August 11, 2009 7:47 pm

    I read my Bible every day because I watch Family Guy with my thirteen year old and let my three year old taste my wine so she’ll stop wanting to drink it. Too far? I ask my husband insecure-girl questions after I get done speaking somewhere. I like cloves. I don’t groom my matted dog. I don’t return phone calls. I think Nicole Richie is cute. I have a poor body image and don’t feel bad for not eating. I don’t care what people think of me, but think I probably should and then figure it’s better to just be myself and let the chips land where they may. I hate being called ‘hun’. I’m not a hugger. I spend an embarrassing amount of money at Sephora. I crave attention but get weirded out if people get too clingy. I love Steven Tyler and would lose my marriage over it. (He knows, but since the chances are good, he takes them.) I have four daughters and would have more if I didn’t have to continually wreck my body for it. (again, the poor body image)

    Is that enough?

  25. August 11, 2009 8:27 pm

    I have a fake tooth.
    I think the late Randy Rhoads is still a genius.
    I enjoyed watching “My Name is Earl” – 20-some-odd minutes of trailer-park insanity with usually a powerful message at the end. Sad it’s gone.
    I cuss sometimes too. Try not to do it in front of small ears.
    I wish I could move all my favorite people into a compound and we’d just hang out and live life together. But that’s kind of like keeping the salt in the saltshaker, huh?
    I do not read my Bible regularly but do swing in to for snippets and deep reading on occasion during the week.

    • August 11, 2009 8:37 pm

      “like keeping the salt in the saltshaker”

      thats a clever way to say it. made me laugh!

      my name is earl was a great show! i didnt get to watch as much as i wanted tho.

  26. August 11, 2009 8:38 pm

    inspired by paul sims…

    another confession – i want braces. i cant stand my teeth. i was hit in the mouth with a baseball bat when i was 8 and my teeth have been jacked up ever since.

    • Serena Woods permalink
      August 11, 2009 8:43 pm

      I used to straighten out a paperclip and wear it like braces.

      • August 11, 2009 9:01 pm

        i used to take the paper off of bread twisty ties and do the same with the wire piece.

        im such a poser.

    • August 12, 2009 3:00 am

      I’ve always wanted braces! I hate my teeth and when I was younger, it caused me to not take care of them, which in turn caused the orthodostist to not want to put braces, which made me hate them and not take care of them even more, which … I think you get the picture 🙂

      Now I’m 27, with bad teeth and the only way to fix them would be to get veneers which are what, $10,000?

      I used to make “grills” out of gum wrappers before they were even cool, if that counts. 🙂

  27. August 11, 2009 8:42 pm

    I can’t take complete credit for the “saltshaker” concept. There’s an old personal evangelism book by the name of something like “Out of the Saltshaker (and into the World)” by Becky Pippert. But I’m glad you liked it! 🙂

  28. August 11, 2009 11:32 pm

    I have 21 Bibles, but I don’t read them everyday.

    I hold back because I fear rejection.

    I HATE Fox News.

    I prefer “secular” radio stations.

    I’ve been kicked out of a few churches.

    I’m addicted to social media, but am terrible at commenting.

  29. August 12, 2009 1:33 pm

    i don’t read my Bible everyday (although writing that has convicted me,, that hopefully will change)
    i don’t know where most things are, i google, mapquest, and take the GPS..if Tom Tom doesn’t know..we are not going..
    i have a hard time keeping up with blogs, and lots of times i read and don’t reason..
    i love to watch George Lopez at night on Nick..and Reba..yes I am lame in my choices, and I am okay with that 🙂
    i love good music, and call it that no matter what others call it..if its got a full solid sound, and some lyrics that don’t make me feel like i am going to hell.. love it!
    love twitter, and that i can stop listening when ever it moves me

    i hate when people pretend to be something they aren’t, or use me..Jesus may love them, but I am still working on

    • August 13, 2009 8:04 am

      Yours made me smile friend b/c we are so much alike!! I was surprised! 😀

  30. August 12, 2009 4:24 pm

    i refuse to use my blinker in a turning lane. that spells redundancy to me.
    there are more. many more…but seeing we’ll be neighbors soon….

  31. August 12, 2009 7:35 pm

    i rarely pray for myself.
    i don’t know how to trust God enough to chase dreams.
    i can eat a whole can of salt & vinegar pringles in an evening.
    i’m afraid of the dark, spiders, bridges, water and driving.

    • August 12, 2009 7:41 pm

      Hmm…didn’t know about the driving thing…getting around Sydney with a fear of bridges, water & driving will be somewhat of a problem.

      Oh, and we’ve got world famous funnel web spiders too.

      And darkness.

      • August 12, 2009 8:46 pm

        stoooooooooooooooooop it. i don’t plan on driving when i visit you. especially if i have to drive on the wrong/right side of the road. so i won’t need to worry about driving over any water and bridges. and umm… funnel web spiders? i fear googling that for what i will find will give me nightmares.

        • August 12, 2009 9:30 pm

          Yeah, good idea on the funnel webs.

          Still, I find them oddly attractive as far as spiders go, particularly when they…

          oh, nevermind.

          (btw…I’ve never actually seen one except at the zoo)

          • August 12, 2009 10:06 pm

            you guys are cracking me up!

          • August 12, 2009 10:12 pm

            David, how about those pretty (but fatal) redbacks? i see loads of them around where i live and… oh.. wait… this is probably not helping Crystal huh?

            Just forget i mentioned it 🙂


            • August 12, 2009 10:22 pm

              I’m very well acquainted with redbacks…had one walk over my foot when I was young…

              Just as well I didn’t decide to pick it up huh…or…actually, that could explain a LOT…

  32. deltascheme permalink
    August 18, 2009 5:23 am

    Holy crap – look at all the comments!

    My confessions –

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