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33 things you could live without knowing

June 29, 2009
miss crystal renaud had these questions on facebook and i thought i would answer some of them here. for fun. feel free to answer them too if youd like! and i never do these things, so bear with me.

1. First thing you wash in the shower? 😯

2. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? yes. and yes. and yes.

3. Do you plan outfits? no. its too frustrating.

4. What are you craving right now? sushi. always sushi. and sleep.

5. Do you floss? yes. daily. even when i drive. i keep a pack of flossers in the car.

6. What comes to mind when I say cabbage? gas.

7. Are you emotional? not right now. took my estrogen, i did 😀

8. Have you ever counted to 1,000? unless i was counting money, i cant see why i would do that.

9. Do you like your hair? uuuummm. its fine. im a woman. do we ever really like our hair?

10. Do you like yourself? totally. i think id be friends with me. possibly. yah. maybe.

11. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush? only if laura came along.

12. What are you listening to right now? the dishwasher. its kinda pleasant.

13. Are your parents strict? my mom was strict. a “do as i say, not as i do” mama. i miss her. shes in missouri. po thang.

14. Would you go sky diving? no. i wouldnt even dive off a diving board. of course, that has more to do with concern over my bathing suit bottoms coming down 😕

15. Have you ever met a celebrity? yup. and i do not get star struck. at all.

16. How many countries have you visited? just the US. well, and i lived in california too.

17. Have you made a prank phone call? oooo, confession. when i was in high school, my cousin and i used to make long distance phone calls and charge them to the phone number of a girl we didnt like. i feel terrible about that now.

18. Brown or white eggs? scrambled.

19. Do you have a cell phone? thats a funny question.

20. Can you use chop sticks? oh sure! theyre great for holding up my hair.

21. Are you too forgiving? i forgive pretty easily. forget? hmmmm….

22. Ever been in love? currently 😉

23. Last time you cried? yesterday afternoon, driving in my car, listening to “how great is our God” when mandy led it, when she was here in january, and brent and i backed her up. i miss her.

24. What was the last question you asked? “how long have you had those socks on???” (to kota 😕 )

25. Are you sarcastic? *GASP* me???

26. Do looks matter? yes. the ones on our faces. they tell a lot.

27. Do you like your life right now? yes. there will always be ups and downs. some days have more of one than the other. but ive learned to embrace them and know that if i let them – they will grow me. i dont wanna be stunted.

28. Can you handle the truth? i can. i may not like it. only cuz my pride might get bruised. but truth is always best, especially if shared in love.

29. How often do you talk on the phone? rarely. i dont like talking on the phone, really. and usually, my phone is on silent cuz i forget to turn it back on after the weekends.

30. Where was your profile picture taken at? the little one of me up top on the blog was taken in kansas last september when i flew out for a girls weekend with fellow bloggers kristi applesauce, cathi stegall and mandy thompson.

31. Can you hula hoop? sadly, ive never been able to.

32. Do you have a job? uh-huh. but i dont get money for it. well, i get money to go grocery shopping. which, oddly, i really dig doing.

33. What was the most recent thing you bought? groceries. ohmydang, how pathetic.

32 Comments leave one →
  1. June 30, 2009 5:07 am

    8. Have you ever counted to 1,000?

    Yes…counting money…around $10,000 in $1 coins.

    Yep…that much fun.

    • June 30, 2009 11:50 am

      only fun if its your moola 😀

      • June 30, 2009 9:39 pm

        It wasn’t…but it belonged to charity, so that was nearly as good 🙂

  2. June 30, 2009 5:24 am

    Nice list. I’m throwing it down today over on my Facebook.

    Add me if you’re not my friend and you want to read it!

  3. June 30, 2009 5:42 am

    Hula hoop contest via YouTube is definitely in order!

    • June 30, 2009 11:52 am

      oh no! another contest. ooo, ooo – 2 days ago my email onmy phone wigged out. i had to delete it and set yp my gmail again and all that garb…anyways…i lost you address in the process and all the other winners 😦 YES i am still sending your prize. i promise!! 😉

      and about a hula hoop contest…you set it up – i’ll help advertise it 🙂

      • June 30, 2009 11:58 am

        Here, everyone can send me something 🙂

        Toby Keathley
        CMR 488 Box 491
        APO AE 09088

  4. June 30, 2009 7:12 am

    #4 and #5. me too! all the way down to the floss in my car. no joke. except…you’re prolly way more faithful at actually doing it then i am…

    i’m 25. gimme a break.

  5. June 30, 2009 7:32 am

    Ha.. some of the questions were hilarious… as were the answers.

    I can’t help myself but give answers to some of the better questions:

    1. First thing you wash in the shower? My hair… water hits my head first.

    3. Do you plan outfits? What’s an outfit?

    6. What comes to mind when I say cabbage? The eighties and cabbage patch dolls (never had one and never want one.)

    7. Are you emotional? Only robots and sociopaths are emotionless… so, yes, I guess I am emotional. My emotion at the moment is content.

    8. Have you ever counted to 1,000? it was the longest game of hide-n-seek in the history of the world. the hiders gave up and went home.

    9. Do you like your hair? some of it… but not the ones that grow on my ears

    11. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush? As long as he was buying.

    14. Would you go sky diving? yes.. I have been bungie jumping and would love to try sky diving

    15. Have you ever met a celebrity? I met Pete Wilson, like, two weeks ago! 🙂

    18. Brown or white eggs? I guess I like mine not burnt, so brown is out. 😉

    25. Are you sarcastic? Nope. Of course, you can’t hear my voice, can you?

    26. Do looks matter? They must because my wife is always giving me one whether I need it or not. So they must be very important.

    30. Where was your profile picture taken at?World Changers exactly a year ago in West Memphis, Arkansas… boy was it hot..

    31. Can you hula hoop?on wii fit, yes, even though I look like I should be in a special school when attempting to do it.

    33. What was the most recent thing you bought? Caribbean Jerk boneless wings dipped in Bleu Cheese at BW3’s … pure ambrosia

    • June 30, 2009 9:13 am


    • June 30, 2009 11:54 am

      pete is gonna love that you think hes a celeb.

      the hide and seek one made me sad. after i chuckled first. sorry 😕

  6. June 30, 2009 11:26 am

    Ok, just choked on my coffee after reading Q. 1

  7. June 30, 2009 2:16 pm

    1. First thing you wash in the shower? Uh wash?

    2. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? I would kiss anyone I have kissed again.

    3. Do you plan outfits? What’s an outfit?

    4. What are you craving right now? To kiss the last person I kissed.

    5. Do you floss? Three times a day. I get my dental floss from Frank Zappa’a ranch in Montana.

    6. What comes to mind when I say cabbage? Corned beef (I am 50% Irish)

    7. Are you emotional? Of course not you idiot. Stupid question.

    8. Have you ever counted to 1,000? My job use to be to count money, bank Auditor. When I was addicted to gambling I often started the day with $1,000. Rarely finished with that much.

    9. Do you like your hair? What hair?

    10. Do you like yourself? Like? I love myself, if I don’t say so myself,which I do,often. That is what mirrors are for. 🙂

    11. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush? Gag.

    12. What are you listening to right now? Sound of the fan next to my PC.

    13. Are your parents strict? Parents weren’t around much. I could do pretty much anything I wanted, which was mostly to want my parents around.

    14. Would you go sky diving? Has Hell frozen over yet?

    15. Have you ever met a celebrity? On several occasions in NYC. Sadly never Suasan Saradon.

    16. How many countries have you visited? Canada, Mexico, Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, Viet Nam. I am not sure I could call Viet Nam a visit. I saw it mostly from a very deep fox hole.

    17. Have you made a prank phone call? No. Although I will guess that some of the ladies I have called thought it must have been a prank call.

    18. Brown or white eggs? As long as they are range free I don’t care about color.

    19. Do you have a cell phone? What’s a cell phone?

    20. Can you use chop sticks? I have used chop sticks many times. I can’t actually put anything in my mouth with them.

    21. Are you too forgiving? No. One of my character flaws.

    22. Ever been in love? I have never been out of love, just never with the same women.

    23. Last time you cried? When my grandmother died. I was nine.

    24. What was the last question you asked? Is this list ever going to end?

    25. Are you sarcastic? No, I am Irish.

    26. Do looks matter? Absolutely. If I had not learned how to read women’s face, and ducked in time, I would be wearing a lot more drinks in my shirt.

    27. Do you like your life right now? I would be thrilled to lead the rest of my life as I do now. I would also be disappointed if it didn’t change.

    28. Can you handle the truth? Definitely yes. Although I do wish my girlfriends would be a little more creative when they dunp me. 🙂

    29. How often do you talk on the phone? Maybe once a week.

    30. Where was your profile picture taken at? My avatar comes from a cropped picture of an man (not me),on a bike, watching the sunset.

    31. Can you hula hoop? Yes, unless you only count it if I could keep the stupid thing from falling

    32. Do you have a job? Just starting working part time to pay off a plumbing bill. Otherwise retired. I will go back my volunteer work at a shelter once I have made enough to pay off the bill.

    33. What was the most recent thing you bought? A Fresh Brush cleaning system for my new Toilet. That should tell you what an exciting life I lead.

    • June 30, 2009 2:25 pm

      i knew youd do the whole list. yay!

      15. Have you ever met a celebrity? On several occasions in NYC. Sadly never Suasan Saradon.

      whats your fascination with her for? she is a cutie, must admit.

      what part time job did you take?

      • June 30, 2009 7:03 pm

        I first saw those beautiful brown eyes in the 1970 movie Joe. Almost 40 years later they can still light up a room.

        I have a part time job helping to straighten out the records of a doctor friend of mine. Office is AC, pretty receptionist, and I love the work. Although his receptionist is a babe, she sucks at record keeping. Hard to believe I am actually be paid for this.

        • June 30, 2009 7:15 pm

          when youre a babe you dont have to be smart…right?

  8. June 30, 2009 2:44 pm

    adorable. and i especially love #20. 😉

  9. July 1, 2009 6:57 am

    oooo does this make me want to get lost in a corn maze w/ you!!!! (again)

  10. July 6, 2009 12:20 pm

    You funny. You make me laugh. Thanks.

  11. July 7, 2009 11:06 pm

    hey – i see my name!! (sorry i’ve been out of the blogging world as of late). love you!


  1. 33 Things You Could Live Without Knowing « B’ahava
  2. 33 things you could live without knowing « Learning from Sophie

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